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166 entries.
Don Adams from Middletown wrote on July 6, 2024 at 8:45 pm
Greetings! Was assigned to HHC, 1st Engineer Batallion from 0ct 1982 through Dec 1983 (Then PCS to Hawaii). Fort Riley and the 1st Engineers was no doubt my best duty assignment. Worked in Battalion Headquarters with LTC Nahas, Maj Lovo and CSM Moore. Anybody else out there from that time?
Mike Burrell wrote on March 17, 2024 at 2:25 pm
Shout out to Albert "Mark" Krompass, John McDonagh, Terry Pedersen, Ed Crandall and Daniel Simmons. I was at Wiley Barracks Neu Ulm from 75-77 and remember you guys and some good times.
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Mike Burrell,
Thanks for posting a message to the Guestbook section of our First Engineer Battalion Veterans website. I hope you will attend our 2024 reunion, scheduled for July 31-Aug 3 in Albuquerque, NM.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Mike Burrell from Three Rivers wrote on March 17, 2024 at 1:37 pm
D Co. 1st. Engineer Battalion 1st. Infantry Division FWD. Wiley Barracks Neu Ulm 1975-1977
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Mike Burrell,
It looks like you posted a second message to our website, saying that you were with D Co, First Engineer Bn in Neu Ulm (Germany?), 1975-77. I was in C Company from Aug '65 to Sept '66 (most of that time in Vietnam.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Kevin Larkin from Seneca SC wrote on January 31, 2024 at 12:21 pm
Looking for C Co 1st Engineer Battalion soldiers who were at Thunder I in August 1969. Researching an incident that occurred during that month. Appreciate anything you might remember. Kevin Larkin, 2/16, 1st Inf Div.
Mark Paquin wrote on November 12, 2023 at 8:33 pm
HHC, C company 1993-1996. Looking back it amazes me that I was able to serve with those who served in Vietnam (talk about sharing knowledge and learning from the best of the best). I was mostly known for working in the pac so they use to call me "PACman" (and the CSM driver). Great times riding sportbikes in Aggieville. I am still in contact with my good friends Ronnie (HHC, pac, XO Driver) & Mike ( he was EOD). How I did not get deployed (there were a few close calls) is a miracle. I did spend 30 days in Mcall, ID to fight fires.
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Mark Paquin:
Thanks for posting your Nov 12, 2023 message on our website's GUESTBOOK. I apologize for not replying to your message sooner. Sounds like you had a good assignment while in the First Engr Bn (PAC man and CSM's jeep driver. I served in the battalion in 1965'66, including a year in Vietnam. Please join our 200-member organization soon - we need younger veterans! Hope you have a Merry Christmas.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Webmaster for Veterans of the First Engineer Battalion
George Alan Reischling from Rutledge wrote on September 3, 2023 at 8:42 pm
"To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know." The soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division were legendary warriors feared by the NVA. Remember the berm lights at the top of the "mountain" which lit up their perimeter and could be seen for miles at night? The entire area of operations throughout the AO was a dangerous place which those who served there will readily recall. Many brave men spent their tours there and will never forget that place. Courage on the Mountain - - captivating, true and free on Amazon - Glad that you made it home Brother! May God Bless!
Mitchell Howard from Rochester wrote on July 25, 2023 at 2:19 pm
Served with Echo Company 1st Engineer Battalion. 1990 1992 Desert Shield - Desert Storm (12C bridge crewman)
Vincent H Van Cleave from Junction City, KS wrote on June 7, 2023 at 7:05 pm
I always held my time in 1st EN BN close to my heart, the history and achievements speaks loudly wherever they go. B Co 1987-1989, A CO, HQ, A CO 1998-2005. 10 Years of greatest time in my 20-year career. Devel BDE S3 2005-2007.
Ed Crandall from Fredericksburg wrote on May 31, 2023 at 7:58 am
I was with Company D 1st Engr Bn 1974 -1977 and again 1979 - 1983. stationed in Neu Ulm Germany. for a total of 7 1/2 years in the same company.. I have seem many men come and go.. Best of all I am still friends with some till this day.
marcus lee smith from cumming wrote on April 24, 2023 at 6:59 pm
A co 1st engr bn 1969-1971
Sean from Chicago wrote on April 14, 2023 at 12:00 pm
Looking for information on a VN vet named Frank SanMiguel. Wondering what unit he was in? Thank you! 67-68
Jack Murphy wrote on November 28, 2022 at 9:25 am
COMBAT VETERANS, When people say, GET OVER IT by Jack Murphy 199th Light Infantry Brigade 69-70.
Donald Burge from Orient, Ohio wrote on July 29, 2022 at 7:07 pm
Company D. 1st Engineer Battalion. 1st Infantry Division
Lai Khe, Viet Nam. 1966
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Donald Burge,
Thanks for your recent entry on the Guest Book section of our website (Veterans of the First Engineer Battalion). I noticed you served in D Co. at Lai Khe, Vietnam in 1966. I was with C Co in Lai Khe from Oct 1965 to early March 1966. As I recall the Battalion CO (LTC Howard Sargent) decided to rotate C and D Company's locations in early 1966. As part of C Co, my platoon built office buildings at DiAn (the division HQ) until early June of 1966. If you are not a member of our organization, I encourage you to join Membership information can be found elsewhere on this website.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Website Coordinator
Gerald (Jerry) Gibson from Ransomville NY wrote on July 5, 2022 at 3:33 pm
This note is for Vincent DeMiceli this is my e-mail address if you would like to contact
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Gerald (Jerry Gibson)
I am making sure that your July 5 entry at the Guest Book section of our website (Veterans of the First Engineer Battalion) got posted as a Guest Book entry. Would love to hear more from you about your time in the First Engr Bn.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Website Coordinator
Jerry Gibson from Ransonville NY wrote on July 5, 2022 at 12:48 pm
Hi Vincent DeMiceli, I served with Company B 1st Eng.1st Inf. from 3-1968 till 2-25 1969 Like to know if we remember each other...Welcome Home Vince
Jerry Gibson from Ransomville NY wrote on June 22, 2022 at 8:15 am
Hi to everyone..I served with 1st Eng. 1st Inf Div. I was at Camp DIAN Company B served there from March 3,1968 to February 25,1969 I like to hear from anyone that served with me at that time
Admin Reply by: Paul Humphrey
Dear Jerry Gibson, Thanks for your recent message left in the Guestbook section of the Veterans of the First Engineer Bn website. Feel free to contact me via email, also.
FC “Chuck” Humphrey
Website Coordinator
Ian Dixon from Ripley WV wrote on April 6, 2022 at 10:05 am
Served with 1st Engineers in Ramadi Iraq as a crane operator. 2003-2004
Admin Reply by: Paul Humphrey
Dear Ian Dixon, Thanks for your recent message left in the Guestbook section of the Veterans of the First Engineer Bn website. Feel free to contact me via email, also.
FC “Chuck” Humphrey
Website Coordinator
Richard Carr from fredrick wrote on March 29, 2022 at 9:25 am
Hiiii! Who's joe?
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Richard,
Thanks for your March 29 Guestbook entry, saying that you served in our beloved First Engineer Battalion. I served in C Company during the Vietnam War (Aug 1965-Sept '66). Would you like to join our association: Veterans of the First Engineer Battalion? Our dues are only $10 a year, and that gets you three newsletters (emailed if possible). Details about our Sept 22 reunion are at the website. You can email me at: for more information.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey, Webmaster
Scott Floughton wrote on February 22, 2022 at 8:31 am
Served with 1st Engineer Battalion Echo Company in Gulf War 1990 to 1992.
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Scott,
Thanks (again?) for your Feb. 22 message left on our guestbook! Glad to know that you served in our beloved First Engineer Battalion. I served in C Co. during the Vietnam War (Aug '65 - Sept '66). Would you like to join our association: Veterans of the First Engineer Battalion? Dues are only $10 a year, which gets you access to the website and three emailed newsletters. Contact me at: if you have any questions about this message.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey, Webmaster
Dave Berry wrote on December 25, 2021 at 12:54 pm
I served as a combat medic with the 2/2nd Inf. (Mech) from April '67 to Sept. '67 and with the 2/28th Inf. Black Lions from Sept. '67-April '68. While I was with 2/2nd we worked with the engineers frequently doing jungle clearing. Operation Paul Bunyan was a lengthy operation in '67. I have some photos from that and other operations that I participated in on my photo gallery. The combat engineers that we worked with were brave and hard-working. They deserved a lot of respect.

Merry Christmas to you all.
Dave Berry
Admin Reply by: F.C. "Chuck" Humphrey
Dear Dave Berry,
I apologize for not replying to your Guestbook entry at our website sooner (It's Feb 11 and you posted a Guestbook entry last December). I had my computer-savy son help me relearn how to do it. I hope this reply finds you Covid-free and otherwise OK. Your message said that you worked closedly with First Engineer Bn soldiers while you were a combat medic in the 2/2 Infantry Bn in 1967'68. My combat Engineer Platoon (part of C Company, First Engr Bn) provided the engineer support for the 2/2nd in the summer of 1966 when that battalion was heading up a pacification task force called "Lam Son II" in Bing Juong province (near Phu Loi). I received a nice thankyou letter from LTC Jack Conn, the 2/2nd C.O. when I left 'Nam in late Sept 1966.
Thanks, again, for your Guestbook posting. I'll try to answer your future postings more promptly.
F C "Chuck" Humphrey
Webmaster for "Veterans of the First Engr Bn (