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166 entries.
Daniel Simmons wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:34 am
Just wanted to say hi to all my old friends I was stationed with in Germany
6 DEC 2012 - December 1976 thru June 1978
JD Fisher wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:33 am
How can I send care package to Company A, 1st Engr. I served in the 60's
5 DEC 2012 - Company A, 1st Engr. Batt. 61-63
Vincent Van Cleave wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:29 am
I sure miss the Times in Die Hard Land. You can stop and Laugh and cry about your history knowing you served with the Best there ever has been. 1SG Milton nice to know you're still beatin' that drum. 1SG Kabat retired to Chapman, KS. I now work in 1ID DIV G-8
26 NOV 2012 - B CO 1987-1990, A Co 1988-2000,HHC 2000-2003, A CO 2003-2005
LCPL Holmes wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:28 am
C company 1st Engineer.Anybody who remembers me can contact me via email.U.S Marines.1966
17 NOV 2012 - 03/1966-12/1966
LTC Tom Hairgrove wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:27 am
All: The Diehards are again in the fight. We are currently deployed to Afghanistan. The Diehard Soldiers are doing phenomenal work. Thanks to all Diehards who have gone before us. DH6
13 NOV 2012 - Diehard 6 (Apr 12-Current); DH5 (Jun08-Jun10)
David Cepler wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:26 am
I celebrated this Veterans' Day in hurricane ravaged Long Island by waiting for the power company to send inspectors to all the neighborhood homes to see whether the storm surge damaged home's power systems. They never came. I will "hurry up and wait" again tomorrow for the power to return.
11 NOV 2012 - HHC 1969/70
Jennifer Hoffmann Beard wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:25 am
I was thinking of Veteran's Day and wanted to honor my father, Major Arthur Frommer Hoffmann Sr. I posted his picture on Facebook and then discovered this website. In the section of World War II pictures I noticed a picture of Captain Bill Gara. My father served with him and I remember Captain Gara from Christmas cards. All of us kids have been so proud of our father. He had the insignia over our fireplace all of his life. I remember him talking about Charlie Harm, Bill Gara, Bill Barnam, and others. They were all together I think in North Africa, Sicily, and Normandy. My father was wounded crossing the English Channel and never landed on Omaha Beach. He lost an eye. I have some pictures. I will try to figure out how to send them to you. It would be nice to have one along with Captain Gara.
10 NOV 2012 - 1941 and 1942
Ian Dixon wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:25 am
Anyone on here serve in Iraq 2003? I was attached to HHC.
29 OCT 2012
Bert L Murphy wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:24 am
Just found this site and am browsing through it to see who I might find that I was in Nam with. If you were there when I was send me a hello. I would especially like to hear from or find Sydney R Fletcher who was wounded at Quan Loi about June of 1968 and was sent stateside.
15 OCT 2012 - Co A 1st Eng Battalion, December 1967 to December 1968
George Franklin wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:23 am
Thanks for the picture. My great uncle is Sam Mcfalls. I can see the resemblance.
30 SEP 2012
SGM (Ret) Ronald D. Riley wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:22 am
I want to thank all my friends from The Veterans of The First Engineer Battalion for their get well cards and prayers for my wife Maggie during her illness. Maggie passed away on 15Sept 2012. She was a proud supporter of The First Engineer Battalion, and greatly enjoyed the reunions and seeing the friends she made there. I once again thank you all for the cards and prayers. God Bless You All.
27 SEP 2012 - C Co. 1966-1965 B Co. 1969-1970
CSM (Ret) Alvis C. Poe wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:21 am
It was great to look over all of these messages. In response to one message; yes, I remember Reforger 86. It's good to see that today's Engineer Soldiers are still maintaining the Diehard tradition. Always First.
15 SEP 2012 - CSM 1st Engr Bn April 1984 - January 1987
Larry Hudson wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:16 am
Well, found 1st Engr BN web page and am elated. Served my first command after Vietnam in B Company. First unit to move to Custer Hill from Camp Funkston 1970. Headquarters 1st Inf. Monument was formed and installed by my B Company troops and staff. Glad to have found you guys. "Essayons"
11 SEP 2012 - Commander B Company 1st Engrs 1970-71
Fredrick Taylor wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:15 am
Phuoc Vinh nov. 1966 to nov.1967
14 AUG 2012 - A Company 1966-1967
Edward wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:14 am
I still believe that Iam the longest member of the 1st Engr.Bn. I served from April of 1974 - May 1977 and again from Feb 1979 - May 1985. I maybe incorrect but I think Not. I was stationed with Delta co. in Neu Ulm Germany. I am still in contact with some of my old buddys and would love to see and be in contact with more of you. Drop me a line sometime
27 JUN 2012 - Delta Co 1st ID (Fwd) April of 1974 - May 1977 and again from Feb 1979 - May 1985
David Christensen wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:13 am
Just wanted to say hi to all my brothers who served with me in Iraq in 2004 & 2006-2007. SSG (Ret)
26 JUN 2012 - HHC, A co. 2004-2008
Duty First wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:12 am
First Infantry Division Reunion Memphis, TN August 1 thru 5 2012
23 JUN 2012 - Aug 1 - 5
Darrell Nick Flannery wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:11 am
I see there is a msg from Gerald Gaines and Troy Tapley served with them in Charlie Company 68- 69
4 JUN 2012 - 1st Eng Bn, C co, Nov 68 Nov 69
James MacMillan wrote on April 9, 2020 at 9:10 am
My email has changed to
31 MAY 2012 - A company Aug 66 to Aug 67
Doug Ward wrote on April 8, 2020 at 4:40 pm
I'm looking for anyone who has any info about those Killed or injured in a helicopter crash on 3June 1967 just north of a latterite pit.
26 MAY 2012 - 173rd AHC